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A couple of senior community members recently indicated concern about self-promotion by a newer consultant here on our CiviCRM Stack Exchange site. This goes against the ethos and culture we've developed here and previously in the forum and on irc. After communicating directly with him he's sorry and will stop doing it.

I'm wondering if we are comfortable with the line taken in Limits for self-promotion in answersLimits for self-promotion in answers or should our community have tighter or looser policies? Should anything be made more explicit?

A couple of senior community members recently indicated concern about self-promotion by a newer consultant here on our CiviCRM Stack Exchange site. This goes against the ethos and culture we've developed here and previously in the forum and on irc. After communicating directly with him he's sorry and will stop doing it.

I'm wondering if we are comfortable with the line taken in Limits for self-promotion in answers or should our community have tighter or looser policies? Should anything be made more explicit?

A couple of senior community members recently indicated concern about self-promotion by a newer consultant here on our CiviCRM Stack Exchange site. This goes against the ethos and culture we've developed here and previously in the forum and on irc. After communicating directly with him he's sorry and will stop doing it.

I'm wondering if we are comfortable with the line taken in Limits for self-promotion in answers or should our community have tighter or looser policies? Should anything be made more explicit?

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What are the limits to self-promotion on

A couple of senior community members recently indicated concern about self-promotion by a newer consultant here on our CiviCRM Stack Exchange site. This goes against the ethos and culture we've developed here and previously in the forum and on irc. After communicating directly with him he's sorry and will stop doing it.

I'm wondering if we are comfortable with the line taken in Limits for self-promotion in answers or should our community have tighter or looser policies? Should anything be made more explicit?